Your onTouch outcome check if at that place is a move. You can do it by checking if there is any movement using:


Practice something really unproblematic past recording the fourth dimension the user touches the screen.

                  private long lastTouchDown; private static int CLICK_ACTION_THRESHOLD = 200;  @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent result) {     switch (event.getAction()) {         case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:             lastTouchDown = Organisation.currentTimeMillis();             break;         example MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:             if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTouchDown < CLICK_ACTION_THRESHOLD) {                 Log.due west("Test", "Y'all clicked!");             }             break;     }     return true; }              

In this postal service attached image presents both orientation(Portrait / Landscape)

To get max 10 and max Y, read on.

For Android device screen coordinates, below concept will work.

                                      Display                                          mDisp                                        =                                          getWindowManager                    ().                    getDefaultDisplay                    ();                    Signal                                          mDispSize                                        =                    new                    Point                    ();                                          mDisp.                    getSize                    (mDispSize                                        );                                        int                                          maxX                                        =                                          mDispSize                    .                    x                    ;                    int                                          maxY                                        =                                          mDispSize                    .                    y                    ;                                  

for devices supporting android api level older than 13. Can employ beneath this lawmaking.

                                          Display                                          mDisp                                        =                                          getWindowManager                    ().                    getDefaultDisplay                    ();                    int                                          max_X                    =                                          mDisp                    .                    getWidth                    ();                                          int                                          max_Y                    =                                          mDisp                    .                    getHeight                    ();                                  

Let'south now focus on to Android device screen coordinates. all the co-ordinates volition be represented on px values. Android Screen as well as its view coordinates origin is (0,0) i.e. it starts from top left corner. Moving right from origin is positive Ten-axis and moving down from origin is positive Y-centrality. Take a expect upon the figure.

enter image description here

I am also suffering this problem afterward update Android studio two.ii to two.iii. When you are getting mistake message continuously. I disable the Instant run and run the app again App starts successfully installing in the Device without showing any error Window. I hope google will sort you these Issues with Instant run soon.

Steps to Disable Instant Run class Android Studio :

File -> Settings -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Instant Run -> Un-check (Enable Instant Run to hot swap code/resource changes on deploy (default enabled) )


Default Layout in Activity.
Changes Theme in Activeness wait like this.

CoordinatorLayout extends the power to accomplish many of the Google'southward Fabric Design.

ane. Add dependency in build.gradle file as like this.

compile ''

two. Create Layout activity_main.xml file

<?xml version="ane.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <     xmlns:android=""     xmlns:tools=""     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"     android:fitsSystemWindows="truthful">      <         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:layout_width="match_parent"         android:groundwork="#e6a92f"         android:theme="@way/AppTheme.AppBarOverlay">        </>  <RelativeLayout      android:id="@+id/main_layout"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"     tools:context=""     > <RelativeLayout     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"    android:gravity="center"     >     <Button         android:id="@+id/button_0"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:text="@string/theme_0" />      <Button         android:id="@+id/button_1"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:text="@string/theme_1"         android:layout_below="@+id/button_0"/>      <Button         android:id="@+id/button_2"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:text="@string/theme_2"         android:layout_below="@id/button_1"/>      <Button         android:id="@+id/button_3"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:text="@string/theme_3"         android:layout_below="@id/button_2"/>      <Button         android:id="@+id/button_4"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:text="@string/theme_4"         android:layout_below="@id/button_3"/>  </RelativeLayout> </RelativeLayout> </>

3. Created file

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {   private ThemeUtils themeUtils;  private Button theme_0;  private Button theme_1;  private Button theme_2;  individual Push button theme_3;  private Push theme_4;    @Override  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);  themeUtils.onActivityCreateSetTheme(this);  setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);     theme_0 = (Button) findViewById(;  theme_1 = (Button) findViewById(;  theme_2 = (Button) findViewById(;  theme_3 = (Push button) findViewById(;  theme_4 = (Button) findViewById(;   }   @Override  protected void onResume() {  super.onResume();  try {  theme_0.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {  @Override  public void onClick(View view) {    themeUtils.changeToTheme(MainActivity.this, themeUtils.DEFAULT);  }  });   theme_1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {  @Override  public void onClick(View view) {    themeUtils.changeToTheme(MainActivity.this, themeUtils.Yellow);  }  });  theme_2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {  @Override  public void onClick(View view) {  themeUtils.changeToTheme(MainActivity.this, themeUtils.Blueish);  }  });  theme_3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {  @Override  public void onClick(View view) {    themeUtils.changeToTheme(MainActivity.this, themeUtils.Dark-green);  }  });  theme_4.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {  @Override  public void onClick(View view) {  themeUtils.changeToTheme(MainActivity.this, themeUtils.Scarlet);  }  });    } catch (Exception e) {   e.printStackTrace();  }  } }

4. Created class file

public class ThemeUtils {   individual static int changeTheme;   public last static int Yellow = 1;   public last static int BLUE = ii;  public terminal static int GREEN = iii;   public final static int RED = four;  public final static int DEFAULT = 0;     public static void changeToTheme(Activeness activeness, int theme)   {  changeTheme = theme;  activity.terminate();  activeness.startActivity(new Intent(activity, activeness.getClass()));  }   public static void onActivityCreateSetTheme(Activity activity)   {  switch (changeTheme)   {   default:   case DEFAULT:   activeness.setTheme(R.way.AppTheme);   interruption;  case Xanthous:   activity.setTheme(;   break;   case Blueish:   activity.setTheme(;   interruption;  case GREEN:   activity.setTheme(R.mode.AppTheme3);   intermission;  case Carmine:   activeness.setTheme(;   break;   } } }

five. Created theme in styles.xml file

<resources>      <!-- Base application theme. -->     <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">         <!-- Customize your theme here. -->         <detail name="colorPrimary">@colour/colorPrimary</item>         <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>         <particular proper name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>     </style>     <fashion proper name="AppTheme.AppBarOverlay" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar" />     <fashion proper noun="AppTheme1" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">         <!-- Customize your theme here. -->         <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorYellow</detail>         <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDarkYellow</detail>         <item name="android:windowBackground">@colour/colorYellow</item>     </manner>       <style proper name="AppTheme2" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Calorie-free.DarkActionBar">         <!-- Customize your theme hither. -->         <item proper name="colorPrimary">@color/colorBlue</particular>         <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDarkBlue</item>         <particular name="android:windowBackground">@color/colorBlue</item>     </manner>      <style name="AppTheme3" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">         <!-- Customize your theme hither. -->         <detail proper name="colorPrimary">@color/colorGreen</item>         <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@colour/colorPrimaryDarkGreen</item>         <item proper noun="android:windowBackground">@colour/colorGreen</item>     </fashion>      <manner proper noun="AppTheme4" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">         <!-- Customize your theme here. -->         <particular name="colorPrimary">@colour/colorRed</item>         <detail name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDarkRed</item>         <item name="android:windowBackground">@color/colorRed</item>     </manner>     </resource>
                6.                Added string in                string.xml                file
<resources>     <string proper noun="app_name">Change Theme</cord>      <string proper noun="theme_0">Default</string>     <string name="theme_1">Yellow</string>     <string name="theme_2">Bluish</string>     <cord name="theme_3">Green</cord>     <cord proper noun="theme_4">Red</string> </resource>

Become GAID(Google's advertising ID)

1. Download latest Google Play Services SDK.
two. Import the code and add together it as a library projection.
3. Modify AndroidManifest.xml.

                                      <meta-data                    android:proper name                    =                    ""                    android:value                    =                    "@integer/google_play_services_version"                    />                                  

4. Enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your lawmaking in this line.

                                      proguard                    .                    config                    =                    $                    {                    sdk                    .                    dir                    }/                    tools                    /                    proguard                    /                    proguard                    -                    android                    .                    txt                    :                    proguard                    -                    project                    .                    txt                                  

v. Add rules in proguard-projection.txt.

                                      -                    keep                                        grade                    *                    extends                                          java                    .                    util                    .                    ListResourceBundle                    {                    protected                    Object                    [][]                                          getContents                    ();                    }                    -                    go on                                        public                    course                                          com                    .                    google                    .                    android                    .                    gms                    .                    common                    .                    internal                    .                    safeparcel                    .                    SafeParcelable                    {                    public                    static                    final                    ***                                          Null                    ;                    }                    -                    keepnames                                        @com                    .                    google                    .                    android                    .                    gms                    .                    mutual                    .                    notation                    .                    KeepName                    course                    *                    -                    keepclassmembernames                                        class                    *                    {                    @com                    .                    google                    .                    android                    .                    gms                    .                    mutual                    .                    annotation                    .                    KeepName                    *;                    }                    -                    keepnames                                        grade                    *                    implements                                          android                    .                    os                    .                    Parcelable                    {                    public                    static                    final                    **                                          CREATOR                    ;                    }                                  

6. Telephone call AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(getApplicationContext()).getId() in a worker thread to get the id in String. as similar this

                                  AsyncTask                  <                  Void                  ,                  Void                  ,                  String                  >                                      job                                    =                  new                  AsyncTask                  <                  Void                  ,                  Void                  ,                  String                  >()                  {                  @Override                  protected                  String                                      doInBackground                  (                  Void                  ...                  params                  )                  {                  AdvertisingIdClient                  .                  Info                                      idInfo                                    =                  null                  ;                  try                  {                                      idInfo                                    =                  AdvertisingIdClient                  .                  getAdvertisingIdInfo                  (                  getApplicationContext                  ());                  }                  grab                  (                  GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException                                      due east                  )                  {                                      e                  .                  printStackTrace                  ();                  }                  catch                  (                  GooglePlayServicesRepairableException                                      e                  )                  {                                      due east                  .                  printStackTrace                  ();                  }                  catch                  (                  Exception                                      e                  )                  {                                      eastward                  .                  printStackTrace                  ();                  }                  String                                      advertId                                    =                  null                  ;                  try                  {                                      advertId                                    =                                      idInfo                  .                  getId                  ();                  }                  catch                  (                  Exception                                      e                  ){                                      e                  .                  printStackTrace                  ();                  }                  render                                      advertId                  ;                  }                  @Override                  protected                  void                                      onPostExecute                  (                  String                                      advertId                  )                  {                  Toast                  .                  makeText                  (                  getApplicationContext                  (),                                      advertId                  ,                  Toast                  .                  LENGTH_SHORT                  ).                  show                  ();                  }                  };                                      task                  .                  execute                  ();                              

Y'all create a launcher on the Dash and side menu for launching it easily. Go to Android Studio =>

Create a file android-studio.desktop

# gedit android-studio/bin/android-studio.desktop

and add some lines of entry code :-

                  [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Android Studio Exec=bash -i "/home/user/android-studio/bin/" %f Icon=/home/user/android-studio/bin/studio.png Categories=Development;IDE; Terminal=false StartupNotify=true StartupWMClass=jetbrains-android-studio Proper name[en_GB]=android-studio.desktop                                  

Create a android-studio.desktop icon and use it.

1 important suggestion When your device is not connecting on Linux arrangement for android development. Show the error when you utilise "# ./adb devices"  (go to the SDK platform-tools/)

                                  List                                      of devices attached                                    ????????????                  no                                      permissions                              
Enter following steps :-
  • sudo killall ./adb
  • sudo ./adb kill-server
  • sudo  ./adb start-server
  • sudo  ./adb devices

    When this is not show devices then Create a file named /tmp/android.rules with the following contents (hex vendor numbers were taken from the vendor list page):

    Connect your device on organization and find vendor number (Hexa decimal format in bold colour) using the help of  this command :-

# lsusb

                Double-decker 036 Device 003: ID                  04e8:6860 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. SAMSUNG_Android                              

Add this line :

                                  SUBSYSTEM                  ==                  "usb"                  ,                                      ATTRS                  {                  idVendor                  }==                  "0bb4"                  ,                                      MODE                  =                  "0666"                              

in  #gedit /tmp/android.rules file and salve

                                  sudo cp                                    /                  tmp                  /                  android                  .                  rules                                    /                  etc                  /                  udev                  /                  rules                  .                  d                  /                  51                  -                  android                  .                  rules sudo chmod                                    644                  /                  etc                  /                  udev                  /                  rules                  .                  d                  /                  51                  -                  android                  .                  rules sudo chown root                  .                  /                  etc                  /                  udev                  /                  rules                  .                  d                  /                  51                  -                  android                  .                  rules sudo service udev restart sudo killall ./adb                                                

After that disconnect device and so connect to arrangement.

  • sudo  ./adb start-server
  • sudo  ./adb devices

Android framework API provides 2D cartoon APIs for unproblematic animation that does not crave major dynamic changes. In that location are two ways of implementation using these API.

i. Drawing to a View
2. Drawing on a Sheet

1.Drawing a circumvolve to View

Drawing to view is a better pick when your UI does not crave dynamic changes in the application. This can be achieved merely by extending the View class and define an onDraw() callback method.
Use the Canvas given to you lot for all your cartoon,
using various Sheet.depict…() methods (Ex: canvas.drawCircle(ten / 2, y / two, radius, pigment);). onDraw() is a callback method invoked when the view is initially drawn.

Below is a simple instance lawmaking to draw a circumvolve:-

                                      public                    form                    MainActivity                    extends                    Activeness                    {                    @Override                    public                    void                                          onCreate                    (                    Package                                          savedInstanceState                    )                    {                    super                    .                    onCreate                    (                    savedInstanceState                    );                                          setContentView                    (                    new                    MyView                    (                    this                    ));                    }                    public                    class                    MyView                    extends                    View                    {                    public                    MyView                    (                    Context                                          context                    )                    {                    super                    (                    context                    );                    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub                    }                    @Override                    protected                    void                                          onDraw                    (                    Sheet                                          sail                    )                    {                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub                    super                    .                    onDraw                    (                    canvas                    );                    int                                          x                                        =                                          getWidth                    ();                    int                                          y                                        =                                          getHeight                    ();                    int                                          radius                    ;                                          radius                                        =                    100                    ;                    Pigment                                          paint                                        =                    new                    Paint                    ();                                          paint                    .                    setStyle                    (                    Paint                    .                    Style                    .                    FILL                    );                                          pigment                    .                    setColor                    (                    Color                    .                    WHITE                    );                                          sheet                    .                    drawPaint                    (                    pigment                    );                    // Apply Color.parseColor to ascertain HTML colors                                          paint                    .                    setColor                    (                    Color                    .                    parseColor                    (                    "#FB9J2F"                    ));                                          canvas                    .                    drawCircle                    (                    10                                        /                    two                    ,                                          y                                        /                    2                    ,                                          radius                    ,                                          paint                    );                    }                    }                    }                                  

ii. Cartoon rectangle on a canvas

To depict dynamic 2D graphics where in your application needs to regularly re depict itself, drawing on a canvas is a better option. A Canvas works for you as an interface, to the actual surface upon which your graphics will be fatigued.

If y'all need to create a new Canvas, then you must define the bitmap upon which cartoon will actually be performed. The Bitmap is always required for a Sail.

The beneath instance explains to draw a rectangle:-


                                      <?                    xml version                    =                    "1.0"                                          encoding                    =                    "utf-8"                    ?>                    <LinearLayout                    xmlns:android                    =                    ""                    android:orientation                    =                    "vertical"                    android:layout_width                    =                    "match_parent"                    android:layout_height                    =                    "match_parent"                    android:id                    =                    "@+id/mylayout"                    >                    </LinearLayout>                          

                                      public                    class                    MainActivity                    extends                    Activity                    {                    @Override                    public                    void                                          onCreate                    (                    Bundle                                          savedInstanceState                    )                    {                    super                    .                    onCreate                    (                    savedInstanceState                    );                                          setContentView                    (                    R                    .                    layout                    .                    activity_main                    );                    Pigment                                          paint                                        =                    new                    Paint                    ();                                          paint                    .                    setColor                    (                    Colour                    .                    parseColor                    (                    "#DD4N5C"                    ));                    Bitmap                                          bitmap                                        =                    Bitmap                    .                    createBitmap                    (                    512                    ,                    800                    ,                    Bitmap                    .                    Config                    .                    ARGB_8888                    );                    Canvas                                          canvas                                        =                    new                    Canvas                    (                    bitmap                    );                                          canvas                    .                    drawRect                    (                    150                    ,                    150                    ,                    250                    ,                    250                    ,                                          pigment                    );                    LinearLayout                                          layout                                        =                    (                    LinearLayout                    )                                          findViewById                    (                    R                    .                    id                    .                    mylayout                    );                                          layout                    .                    setBackgroundDrawable                    (                    new                    BitmapDrawable                    (                    bitmap                    ));                    }                    }                                  

Extending the Application course:

Define global variables is by extending the Application class. This is the base of operations class for maintaining global awarding state.

a) Create a new class that extends Application.

public class GlobalVariable extends Application{

private int data= 200 ;

public int getData(){

render this .data;


public void setData( int d){

this .data=d;



b) Add the class to the AndroidManifest.xml file as an aspect of <awarding> tag.

< application

android:name = ".GlobalVariable"

... />

c) So you can access your global data from any Activity by calling getApplication().

GlobalVariable 1000 = (GlobalVariable)getApplication();

int data=g.getData();

– by praveen kumar verma