What Is Your Favorite Example of Art or Architecture From the Medieval Era?

Ancient fine art and compages are non only for historians but for people like us who've always been interested in periodic art and crafts.


All through the medieval period, fine art largely consisted of the architectural blueprint and construction of churches, monasteries, castles, and similar eclectic structures while homes and other types of buildings were given less attending.

Medieval artists and skilled craftsmen, including masons, carpenters, woodcarvers, sculptors, metallic workers, and painters, applied the ornamental features of these structures into their own specific craft.

Artisans of the bottom arts—like locksmiths, blacksmiths, shoemakers, and weavers—were equally influenced by these features that were replicated, copied and practical to anything and everything they produced.

What Was Life Like in the Eye Ages?

Life in the Center Ages was dominated by feudalism, a kind of system where the nobles practically owned and ruled all the land. Vassals, who held the state under feudalism, were tenants of the nobles who paid homage to the lords. They were indeed loyal and in return were guaranteed protection in return.

Serfs were the downtrodden and lowest social course during the Medieval Catamenia. These peasants worked and laboured for the noble in a condition of bondage. Though they were not slaves—they were allowed to own holding, however, in most serfdoms, peasants were legally part of the land, then, if the land was sold by the lords, the serfs were sold forth with it.

Due to the fact that the Middle Ages was dominated by the feudal system, there was a vast difference in the daily lives of peasants when compared to that of the noble. The daily lives of people were therefore dictated by power, wealth, and status in the lodge—with the noble spending most of their time on amusement, games and sports while the serfs toiled on their fields to serve them.

Organized religion played a major part in daily life during the Center Ages, the reason why the artists of the early Heart Ages were predominantly priests and monks who lived in monasteries. Their art became the main method of communicating narratives of a Biblical nature to the people.

Medieval Art and Architecture: An Expression of the Spiritual?

Medieval art illustrates the passionate interest and idealistic expression of the Christian and Catholic organized religion. Architectural designs and their interior décor showed avid expressions of the deep religious faith of the people of the Middle Ages.

This was an era when political order was about non-real, and every common man or woman had no promise in life and little to live for, except the hope of happiness and peace in heaven.

The churches served every bit the center of boondocks life and were designed and built by the people and not the clergy. They served other purposes that met the requirements of their daily life, with many housing schools, libraries, museums, and picture galleries.

Main Divisions of Middle Ages Art

Medieval art is generally divided into dissimilar types, each of which was expressed differently in unlike regions and at different times. They are:

  • The Byzantine period
  • Early Christian menses
  • Romanesque and Norman menstruation
  • Gothic menstruation

Byzantine Art (330–1453)

Byzantine art was developed in Constantinople, then the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. This style was characterized by a combination of Roman and Oriental arts, with dome ceilings being typical features.

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The iconoclastic (radical) movement at the fourth dimension absolutely forbade the use of human being or animal forms in their artworks. According to the history of art, such forms were regarded by the Byzantine every bit idolatry and 'graven images', which were frowned upon in the 10 Commandments.

The architecture of the churches were brilliant and grandiose, mostly reflecting the wealth and intellectual level of the designers and builders.

Early on Christian Art (330–880)

This was developed (to some extent) in countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean region, but primarily in key Italy. Churches and monuments were constructed with stones found in the ruins of pagan temples.

The Early on Christian fine art forms developed after the people of the Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity.

They had features that included flat ceilings, semi-round arched forms, elaborately panelled flat woods ceilings, and straight high walls with small window openings at the topmost parts of the structures.

Interiors were rich and elaborate with mosaics on the walls, ornately framed paintings, and marble incrustations.

Romanesque and Norman Medieval Fine art Forms (800–1150)

The styles of this period were developed in France and other Western regions. They are characterized by simple structural forms with window and door openings designed with semi-circular arched peak sections.

The term 'Romanesque art' refers to medieval styles of art that were greatly influenced by Italy and Southern French republic.

This aforementioned fashion was taken to the shores of England past William the Conqueror where it became known as Norman art and continued until information technology evolved into the Gothic forms of the 12th century.

Romanesque buildings were huge, strong and near foreboding in appearance but they had simple surface enrichment showcasing the simplistic ways of life of the planners who were monks.

Architectural forms were basically interpretations of their ain concept of Roman architecture.


Gothic Art and Architecture (1150–1500)

"Verticality" is emphasized in Gothic art and architecture, which feature almost skeletal stone structures and great expanses of stained glass showing biblical stories, pared-down wall surfaces, and extremely pointed arches.

Article of furniture designs were 'borrowed' from their architectural forms and structures with arches, pillars, and rigid silhouettes.

Through the Gothic period, edifice structure was constantly geared towards lightness of forms but with enormous spiked heights to the extent that there were times when over ornamentation coupled with delicate structural forms made their structures collapse.

The structural collapse was, of course, imminent because construction methods never followed scientific principles but were rather done by mere 'rule of pollex'. Only when many buildings started to collapse before they were completed did they then rebuild them with stronger and sturdier supports.

All in all, medieval fine art, the art of the Eye Ages, covered an enormous scope of fourth dimension and place. Information technology existed for over a one thousand years, not merely in the European region simply also in the Middle E and Due north Africa. It included major art movements and eras, also as regional art, types of fine art, the medieval artists and their works too.

And because religious organized religion was the way of life, the history of art in the Centre Ages tells us about social, political and historical events, through the edifice of church cathedrals and eclectic structures that were erected in practically every boondocks and metropolis in the region.


Interior Pattern and Ornament by Sherrill Whiton

This content is accurate and truthful to the best of the author's noesis and is non meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: What materials were used in cathedrals and paintings of the Centre Ages or Byzantine Empire?

Respond: Cathedrals were built using mostly quarry stones set together with mortar made from clay, limestone, chalk, and a binder.

Materials used for painting include simple natural materials found locally - natural earth pigments like terra-cotta, yellow and burnt ochre, colours obtained from ground shells, lapis, soot, plants, lead white, and binders fabricated from gum Standard arabic, egg white, or egg yolk.

Question: What is art?

Answer: Art is a creative expression of humans that comes in visual, imaginary, audible, or literal forms.

Art can also be described as an expression of the soul.

Question: How did the Heathen north influence medieval fine art?

Reply: The Pagans of the north did not fully abandon their Celtic philosophies for Christianity only rather, combined and wove into their paganism culture. One of the influences of the fusion is the Celtic Cantankerous and some other emblems. For instance, the Celtic cross represents Christianity while the circumvolve in it represents the Celtic view of the world. This civilisation reached its superlative during the Medieval Era.

© 2012 artsofthetimes

Tilly the Fisherman on Apr thirty, 2019:

What was bad about the fine art?

artsofthetimes (author) on September 30, 2018:

The subject field of Medieval art was mainly Christianity.

Phu on September 26, 2018:

What was the bailiwick of most art from the centre ages? (what did it bear witness, or why was it made)

artsofthetimes (writer) on May 09, 2018:

You are welcome @dfa

dfa on May 08, 2018:

thk you

artsofthetimes (author) on March 15, 2018:

Thank you for your feedback Mask. Will endeavour to do that.

Glad y'all found it helpful for your medieval homework.

artsofthetimes (author) on March 14, 2018:

You are welcome Beep boo.

Beep bop on March 14, 2018:

Thanks for helping me with my prodject

Mask Panda on March 13, 2018:

This is an okay site just too much information. Some advice for this website is that you should arrive longer and filled with more than information. Simply overall a very skilful website. It helped me for my medieval homework.

artsofthetimes (author) on March 04, 2018:

Y'all are welcome @mad history.

mad history on March 04, 2018:

thanks for the info information technology really helped me

artsofthetimes (writer) on September 01, 2016:

Very interesting piece of history Moral Human. Thank you lot.

I will definitely enquiry and read further on these medieval era painters yous mentioned.

Thank you for the visit and pitiful for the late response...

Moral Man on December 25, 2015:

The Medeival period has some of the greatest painters. One of the nearly remarkable is Heironymus Bosch(1450-1516) from the late Eye Ages. He is famous for his imagination and religious subject thing. "The Garden of Earthly Delights," "The Haywain," "The Last Judgment," and "Transport of Fools are noteworthy.

Frans Hals came later in the 1600s or the early on Modern period and was also Dutch similar Bosch. Frans Hals is famous for his portrait paintings such as "Malle Babbe." Its known that Malle Babbe was based on a real historical person which Frans Hals knew in his lifetime.

artsofthetimes (author) on February 14, 2013:

Thank you Gareth, and cheers for visiting.

Garethmoore on February 03, 2013:

well-written, I dearest the topic you choose. Thanks!


Source: https://owlcation.com/humanities/medieval-art-history-ancient-art-forms-of-the-middle-ages

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